
Kinetic works with young people in Barton Moss every weekend delivering curriculum-based youth work using art and craft, games and activities, the young people love engaging in a good quiz and debating session. Kinetic also deliver tailored issue-based sessions on specific issues in the school holidays previous sessions have included parenting & relationships and Drug and alcohol awareness.

During the establishment reroll things are slightly uncertain.  We support and manage the visits contract, working with service users to strengthen their community links, whilst also facilitating family days and social visits helping them to maintain their community ties.

At Elmley we support and manage their community council bringing individuals together to influence decisions across the establishment.  We also provide personal development courses over the year to support individuals to learn new skills, grow in their confidence and gain the motivation to achieve and succeed.

At Deerbolt we work with targeted individuals who struggle to engage in education. This work can be done on the wings, targeting those who don’t attend offering them a small interactive regime.  The work can also take place in the classroom, supporting individuals and teachers. We also provide safe spaces for time out when needed.  Our goal is to work on reflection and progression within education and work, ensuring more individuals engage in regime.  

At Feltham, we aim to support the development of young people skills and knowledge to enable them to find their voice and actively participate in accessing provisions to support their progression and success on release we do this during our curriculum and one to one sessions . Additionally we deliver support and facilitate the youth council, aiming to bring the young people together collectively to make positive changes withing the establishment, focusing on developing their voice and active participation. We also deliver youth club’s where the young people are able to mix and socialise with peers taking part in team building and confidence boosting activities.

At Lincoln our work targets the younger population, offering individuals olds a safe space to take part in youth work activities. We bring individuals together to increase participation, engagement, and confidence addressing relevant topics and issues they face within the establishment and within the community, providing them with tools for the future.

Kinetic work at Low Newton, offering group sessions and 1:1’s to women, motivating their participation and engagement. Our aim is to increase positivity, attitudes to work, encourage engagement and to increase confidence and self-esteem. 

Kinetic actively engage with young people in Marydale three evenings a week and every weekend. We have a team of five part time youth workers who engage young people in positive activities and encourage positive behaviours. Some of the activities young people enjoy are canvas painting and other art activities, sporting activities in the gym such as badminton competitions, and focused sessions on self-esteem and pampering for the girls in Marydale.

At Polmont we deliver a variety of projects, 121 sessions, youth clubs and social action projects all developed in conjunction with the young people of Polmont using a participatory approach. We use Youth Work methodologies and the national occupational standards of Youth work to ensure the young people are getting the best possible youth service. These sessions provide young people with fun, engaging and informative activities to enhance their skills, experiences, and knowledge. Our aim is to encourage young people to engage and improve behaviour with the regime and other departments through effective engagement and positive relationships.

At Standford Hill, we deliver a youth club to young people at the establishment. We also deliver life skills sessions helping to prepare young people for release.

At HMP & YOI Styal we support and manage the young adult’s hub alongside prison colleagues. We plan activities with the young women we work with and deliver issue-based courses to support individuals to learn new skills, increase confidence and self-esteem, support relationship building and encourage positive participation across the Hub.

At Wetherby we work with the young people from the moment they enter the establishment and throughout their whole journey.  We provide support in 1:1’s, group settings and youth clubs developing their skills and providing them with tools to help transition or reintegrate back into the community. 

Kinetic deliver PSHE in education, empowering young people by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively navigate life’s obstacles, take responsibility and seize opportunities, as they transition into adulthood. Kinetic also deliver youth clubs and 1:1 support facilitating activities, games, debates and discussions aimed at developing self-esteem, confidence and team building